Livin' la Vida Roko

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Upcoming Weekend

It's only Tuesday and we're already planning for the weekend. Mainly because Ken leaves tomorrow for NY. His step-sister is getting married on Friday. I leave Thursday morning.

Looking forward to see all of Ken's buddies, many of whom came to the wedding. However, I'll also get to meet a lot of them that couldn't make it out. Should be fun.

However, right now I'm stuffed up to my ears with a head cold. ugh. The extra day here will probably work out pretty well for me -- considering how much fun it is to fly when you're congested. I am nervous though about having to get up on my own to make my flight. I am not a morning person. I have slept through my alarm multiple times. I even slept through a fire drill in college once. I weave the sound into my dream. Lately, I've had Ken to wake me gingerly and help me not miss important morning meetings. But alas, this Thursday I'm on my own.

Flight's at 7:10 AM. Anyone want to bet on whether I'll make it?


At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry. Didn't know how else to contact you except through comments.

Nice site. Thanks for the link. Great list of festivals. However, you're missing one of my favorites, Portland's Cinco de Mayo. Here's my report on last year's:


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