Livin' la Vida Roko

Friday, June 09, 2006

Vegas Bound

In 9 hours I will be in Vegas with some girlfriends for a much needed vacation. I know Vegas doesn't sound a place for R&R, but that may have a lot to do with the company (read: Ken or Kyle who are both blackjack machines and thus push up the pace of a Vegas trip 10 fold. There's a reason Ken sleeps for two days after he returns from a trip. And our crazy group trip with Kyle remains my favorite memory of Vegas thus far).

But this trip with be different. Waaaay more mellow. We intend to lounge by the pool sipping cold drinks in the semi-shade for two days straight. Reading magazines, sleeping in, and chatting it up.

Rachel flies in tonight from San Fran around 8:15; I get in 15 minutes later. Then Whitney arrives around 11 from Richmond. We went to college together and are all living in different places and rarely get to see each other. Once a year at best. Plus, we're all in the same place in life right now (settled in towns we love, with great friends and amazing significant others, and are all currently employed). This is the kind of trip we always told ourselves we'd take. I'm excited for the opportunity to do so.

We were going to stay at Mandalay Bay but our reservations got messed up, so in the end it was the same price to stay at the brand spanking new Wynn. I am excited.


At 12:32 PM, Blogger Julie Miller said...

lisa-have a fabulous time-i always love catching up w/friends i haven't seen in a long time! hope you like those oregon photos...

At 4:52 PM, Blogger marsha said...

have fun! i have never been very keen to go to vegas (i don't like gambling). but sitting by the pool with girly drinks and friends would be awesome.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Kyle said...

Have fun.

At least blow a hundy on roulette.

I hit Atlantic City in July. Ding Dong!


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