Livin' la Vida Roko

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Check, check, check

This is a long one, so I'll break it down for those interested in just certain parts. Who knew you could still do a manifesto in a blog.

First and foremost,
Happy Birthday Chuck!

Home Inspection
The home inspection went off without a hitch... a few changes, but no deal breakers. Afterwards, we went down to the records department to check out info on the place. Again, nothing that surprising. We did learn that they're putting in a pub around the corner from our place. Wow. Coffee. Bakery. Pizza. Pub. Haircut. 2 Bus stops. Movie theatre that serves beer. All within a block. Crazy. Now I know why Rachel loves living in cities. I dream of having bikes and riding around instead of driving. Riding on the backstreets and looking at houses on the way to grab a sandwich or drink with Ken and Lent. So fun.

Refinishing the Floors
The hardwood floors guy came today. We'll get a quote back from him to refinish all the floors early next week. We get to rip carpet out our first day in the house. I'm so excited. I pulled up a corner today and they were beautiful upstairs... no paint that needs to be burned off. Hope it's the same for the rest of the upstairs.

Hardware Stores in Portland are Amazing
Found two awesome 'hardware' stores specializing in restoring old houses. Wow. Both have websites as well for those of you not in Portland (mooove here, moooooooove here. you know you want to. end subliminal message)

Rejuvenation to find reproductions and some salvaged originals
Hippo Hardware for the real deal... sort through a hardware store full of old things. You just get to sort through. Oh my goodness. They had to kick us out today as they were closing.

I don't know if its a good or bad thing that they're both close by.

Ultimate Frisbee
Hanging out in town now until Ultimate later tonight... 9 pm. Hmmm. 3 hours. Can't really drink, can't sleep, don't want to eat. Feels kind of like wasted time almost. Especially since we've been in town for 12 hours now. With regard to the Ultimate scene around here, it changes depending on the season. In the winter the teams switch every week, which is nice although I wasn't on Ken's team last week and I didn't know anyone. It was kind of like grade school all over again. Who will be my friend? In winter or spring they organize teams with a draft. In summer you bring your own team. Kind of cool that they shift it around. It's smaller than I expected. Maybe around 60ish, divided among four teams. The crazy part was last week we had nine girls on our team. All good. I know this is Arthur's and Lent's dream come true, but it was kind of a pain to have to fight yet be nice in order to get playing time. Hmm. Hopefully it won't be the same this week.

The Visitors are Coming
Welcome Brian Hawkins to Portland! Brian's arriving tomorrow to celebrate finishing writing his dissertation by drinking lots of beer in an attempt to forget everything he learned in grad school before his defense. Brian, we can't wait to see you.

I think that should about cover things. Off to surf the web. 2.5 more hours to go....



At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I just wanted to thank you for your nice Happy Birthday wish and call. Really I was very pleasantly surprised...moreso considering how much other stuff you guys have on your collective plate. Muchas gracias Rokitos!


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Brian said...

It was great seeing you guys this weekend. Pictures de su casa are forthcoming (probably tomorrow night, when Marsha gets back with the computer that works!)


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