Livin' la Vida Roko

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Science Demo tonight

Tonight I'm going to a local elementary school to do a demonstation at their annual "Science Night".

My demo is on reflexes and how fast our nerves are. I learned last year that the message has to be very simple. A bunch of 5 year olds do not care about science much (unless it involves candy), so I have to have a hook. My hook involves stickers and competition.

Students will get to compete against their friends and family. 8 year olds will be all over this, I'm hoping. Here's the plan: I'll be holding a ruler from the top. The student will place their hand at the bottom of the ruler. I'll drop it within a 5 second window. They have to catch it. The distance the ruler travels is proportional to how much time it took them to respond (from seeing it, to their brains telling their nerves to move their muscles, to actually grabbing the ruler). Students can try it a couple of times and record their name and distances on a board for all to see. They get a sticker for competing (see above right).

In addition, I made "ribbons" for the winners. I made 6 of them (see the circle below, which is printed on yellow paper and then has a purple scalloped trim and orange ribbons hanging down. Safety pins are attached to the back of each one). I can award based on fastest time, best sportsmanship, most improved, fastest parent time, etc.

I'm hoping the science message comes through: you need nerves to tell your arm to move -- and this happens really fast! Fingers crossed that they like it. Especially since I'll be stuck with it for 2 hours.

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At 1:30 PM, Blogger Taryn said...

I love it! I always sucked at that ruler game though.


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