Livin' la Vida Roko

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

First Appointment

Ken and I went to our first appointment yesterday morning. It was with the nurse, who they make you meet first (to get your chart in order, answer any questions, do the blood draws). She was very nice and did a complete history on both of us. She got my chart in order for my doctor's appt on Thursday. I found out that I will get an ultrasound on thursday, so I'm really happy about that. Should be able to hear a heart beat if there is one. Heartbeat starts at 7 weeks and I'm at 9.5, so that should work out.

Besides the questionnaires, they did the first of the blood tests today (hepatitis, HIV, RH factor, syphillis, rubella, etc). they also did a cystic fibrosis screen (to see if I'm a carrier), which is covered by insurance (Ken found out for me during the appt, so they got to add it in at the last minute -- thanks ken!. He also found out that I'm covered for another genetic screen (noninvasive) so we were scheduled for a down syndrome/trisomy 18/neural tube defect screen in two weeks. $750 test that's covered by insurance. Yeah! It will be interesting to hear what our risk is -- I have no idea going into it. They say they present it as an odds ratio (1:1000, 1:50, etc).

Fingers crossed everything's OK. We should have a pretty good idea later this week. I can't wait. From what I've read, my uterus is the size of a grapefruit. Here's what else is going on...



At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:). you'll have a blob baby pic too!


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