Livin' la Vida Roko

Friday, April 03, 2009

3 month doctor's appointment

Doctor's appointment today went well. Ken went with me and we got the results from lots of tests we've had:

my pap smear: which had atypical cells but they found nothing else wrong so it looks fine and I go back in a year.
Down Syndrome/Trisomy 18: Both very low risk (I think it was 1:1300 and 1:10000, respectively. Cut off is 1:50 and 1:100, so no further testing is necessary)
Neck measurement (I think for spina bifida): normal

They heard the baby's heartbeat again today (150-160 bpm, which is apparently normal). So things are looking normal on all fronts so far. I gained 4 lbs in my first trimester (average weight gain is 3-5 lbs), so everything's on track in that regard. I was shocked it was 4 lbs and expecting it to be around 10 lbs given the amount I feel I've eaten in the past few weeks.

In other news, we scheduled our 18 week ultrasound (where they check for anatomy and we find out the sex of the baby). It will be on the morning of May 4th. I'm excited to know and am really looking forward to finding out.



At 10:45 PM, Blogger rob said...

Sounds great! The nuchal (neck) thickness is an indicator of Down's as well. Just to toss it in...Rob is always a great name for a boy.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Brian said...

I think you should consider a good Viking name.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger A-M said...

oooh finding out the exciting. Do you have any feelings either way? I was pretty certain I was having a boy but I know I had 50% chance of being right.

So sorry to hear about all the WILL end and it will be so much better, this is the worst part since it seems like it has been going on forever.

You are a tough lady though riding your bike right thru it! I could barely manage a brisk walk at the beginning.


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