Livin' la Vida Roko

Friday, February 18, 2005

Tucson weakened me....

...or at least my immune system. Damn you!!!!

Living back in New York I rarely got sick. Seriously. It was maybe once every two years that I caught a cold. Now this is pretty remarkable considering my potential exposure to germs. Long Island Railroad, subways, city streets. I potentially came in contact with thousands of people each day. Have you ever been on a 'packed to the gills' subway in the dead of winter only to have someone who is clearly sick sneeze in your face? Well I have and it sucks....but I didn't catch the cold.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that for the second time this winter season I caught a cold. Yes, there may be other factors involved here but I'm attributing this second occurence to the idea that living in a warm climate somehow lowered my resistance to germs......and I can't help despising Tucson for that.

Hello Ny-Quil, my friend.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger rob said...

I'm a little disappointed that you are taking out your frustrations on Tucson. In my medical opinion (valid in a short 3 months) some people tend to have a decreased immuno-protective system as they age. It's all downhill from here, Ken, or so they tell me.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Ken said...

Rob, I was trying to avoid that possible reason. Thanks for bringing it up.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Kyle said...

One more reason not to leave Tucson.

As though I needed another.

Living in NY does sound aaaawwweesome.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Ken said...

I'd give you 6 months before you started pulling your hair out in NYC.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Kyle said...

Try six hours.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I'm with Rob, Ken. Don't blame your pansy immune system on Tucson. I lived there longer than you and I ride the bus three times as far as you every day. I haven't gotten sick without you being sick first.

Don't worry, I'm getting old too, as determined by me yelling at teenagers on the bus yesterday. Seriously. It's only going downhill from here.

The above said, can I pick you anything up for you on the way home?


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