Livin' la Vida Roko

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hotdogs & Beavers

Ken and I are going to our first Portland baseball game tonight to see the Beavers play Sacramento. Game starts at 7:05. I'll ride down after work and meet Ken there. We also invited Adam & Emily, the couple from Ken's softball team with whom I saw Charlie & the Chocolate factory last weekend.

I'm excited for the game; I'm wearing my favorite baseball shirt and everything. I became quite fond of minor leaque games in Tucson. It's so fun to sit in a not-so-packed ballpark... you get great seats, can drink beer, & eat hotdogs while watching the game. I'm curious how this ballpark will compare to the one in Tucson. It has at least a couple things going for it so far -- 1.) Location: it's one short busride away from our house (so we don't have to drive) and I can get there directly from work by bike or bus. 2.) It's a high of 84 today


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Brian said...

The park in Portland is beautiful...looks just like a major league park, but smaller. Have fun!


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