Oh Craigslist, how I love thee
Our latest craigslist aquisition. For those who once sat in our crickety old chairs that have broken numerous times, we bring you these. Old school teachers chairs that are as thick and sturdy as Hughes. I adore them. Finally, you can lean back and relax after dinner without wondering if the chairs will give way. You can also see the stained glass Marsha & Brian made us in the background.
Wow. How do you score that great stuff?
Those chairs look so comfy.
Is it being in Portland?
You have craigslist too! I know it's more established in some areas than others, but still. I bet you can find some amazing mexican and rustic stuff down there where you can't here.
And yes, there's super comfy. can sit in one and put your feet up on another. I love them.
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