Livin' la Vida Roko

Friday, September 29, 2006

Weekend Plans

Ken's out of town for the weekend, so I am left to my own devices until Monday.

I am learning real time PCR this afternoon and then meeting some of the dodgeball folks for happy hour. Tonight I am going to sleep and do laundry and play with the sans-flea animals. I am exhausted from the week and looking forward to relaxing. Tomorrow is the start of my dodgeball class. My folks both asked why I was taking a class when I'm already playing dodgeball. The answer is to get better. I would prefer not to throw and catch like a girl, if I can help it. Last night, for example, I realized I can throw a side-arm dodgeball. More spin, more curve. Who knew? Anyway, the class definitely couldn't hurt.

I plan on doing a bunch of gardening, moving sensitive plants indoors for the winter and taking it easy. Going on an easy hike with Liz on Sunday. (Not to be confused with the "easily accessible" kind Rob takes me on).

Other than that, a very lazy weekend. I will probably make french toast for most dinners and eat lots of cheese. You know, the usual.


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