Livin' la Vida Roko

Monday, September 18, 2006

Back from Vegas

We got back last night. The condo rocked (if any of you are looking for a place to rent in Vegas, ask Ken about this one). The company was also great. The tournament wasn't as organized as we hoped and the gym was super hot and gave me daily headaches. The Portland teams didn't do as well as we expected (except for the Portland Women's team, who won -- although no other women's teams showed up. They played in the co-ed division for free since the organizers failed to tell them no women's teams were registered. They actually ended up beating quite a few of the co-ed teams who were not too happy about getting beaten by a bunch of girls).

Price is Right was a waste of money, but fun. One of our friends got down to contestants row and was the last to bid on a telescope he knew was $250 (he just priced one for himself). So when the last girl said $176, he quickly said $250! When they said the actual retail price was $249, he got all excited. Then confused when the $176 girl got to go up... and win not only the telescope but a Mexican cruise. "But I was closest." I ended up winning a $25 voucher to Bally's since I correctly guessed both showcase showdown contestants overbid. Other than that, the winnings were pretty slim by our group, despite us making up a large percentage of the audience.

Sara and Drew picked us up from the airport. Kinley, Scout and Riley are getting along famously and love each other. They better, given the amount of humping going on. Sara and Drew have been taking Kinley to the park during the day while we're at work. It's been so nice to come home to sweet, somewhat quiet dogs. The amount of energy is exponential as you increase the number of dogs in the house. Regardless of the amount of exercise they're getting. Poor Hughes is very confused and has tried to stay in the basement as much as possible. He did come up and sleep on our bed last night, so I know he's not too terrified.

In other news, the paper that I was working on got accepted today. So that is excellent news. Ken, Sara, Drew and I are going out for sushi tonight and then watch the game. Thank you Tivo for giving me my husband back during football season.


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