Livin' la Vida Roko

Thursday, April 07, 2005


are hit or miss. I feel very bipolar about them in that I either hate them or love them. Perhaps it stems from growing up and my parents' very vocal dislike of our next-door neighbor and their horse-dog. Or maybe it came from my sketchy next-door neighbors in Tucson telling me about their jail time, alimony payments and.. oh yeah that time when the one looked through the window and saw me naked.

But not all neighbors are bad. Some can become great friends, some become acquantances that keep an eye on things if you're away. Others with whom you want to be 'friends' because you don't want to be on their bad side (read: Barbara across the street in Tucson, as Ken or Sara Burke can attest).

So far, most of our neighbors have been nice. We've become most neighborly/friendly with the couple next door. Upon getting home from work yesterday, we discovered that Dave (hawkins, the guy you met) mowed our front lawn. I was impressed. He has a newborn and plenty of other things to do. But he was doing his own lawn and said it only takes a few extra minutes to do ours as well. I guess he correctly assumed that our move from Tucson did not include a lawnmower. I love how everything works out...muffins and plants here versus a trimming there. Plus now we have some more time now to scout out lawnmowers on Craigslist.

PS the grass seed has sprouted and is filling in. Finally.


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