Livin' la Vida Roko

Friday, January 27, 2006

A thousand little steps

Kinley and Hughes have been slow to get to know each other. After being terrorized by Paxton many years ago, Hughes has had no interest in "getting to know" another dog anytime soon. But curiousity won the best of each of them lately and they've been slowly getting more comfortable with each other. Even touching noses a couple times yesterday (always followed by whimpering by both parties, but still.... progress). I woke up this morning by Ken telling me that our 3 steps forward were followed by 4 back. Apparently Kinley jumped on Hughes' head this morning. Time will tell what psychological damage was done to poor Hughes and how long it will be until they touch noses again. I think my dream of us all just hanging out in the living room together may be a little further off than I thought.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Kyle said...

P&G took quite a while before they could hang out. The key was really wailing on Gaffney after an attack.


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