Livin' la Vida Roko

Monday, September 04, 2006

Squid Pro Quo

Ken's on a flag football team this fall. Sunday Touch Downs -- STDs for short. They're having their first practice this afternoon and I volunteered our house for the labor day bbq afterwards.

I loooove cooking for groups of people. Tonight, I'm making fish tacos, kyle's tomato pie, calabacitas con queso (zucchini/corn/cheese dish) and having sangria and iced tea on the side.

Oh, and for a little fun, I've decided to make calamari for an appetizer. I've never made them at home, but I used to make them for Janos all the time... marinate in ginger ale, use a bit of cayenne/salt/pepper in the flour dredge, and then use panko for the crumb. Simple. We went to the asian market yesterday and picked up the fish for the tacos. And then I saw the package of squid all cleaned and pretty -- a little over a 1 lb for $2.87. Totally reasonable. I put that in our cart and we were heading out when I saw the HUGE 5 lb box of squid for $6. Hmmmm. I chose them instead only to find that they were still fully intact. I'm talking eyeballs and beaks, folks. And I've never cleaned a squid before - ever.

But the internet is a wonderful thing and quickly learn that the key to cleaning squid is not to "BUST THE INK SACK!!!". What? What ink sack? I also learn that busting said sack sends a spray of black ink across the counter and onto the kitchen wall. 5 lbs of squid later, I became rather adept at pulling off the heads, removing the quill & guts, peeling them and chopping them into 1/2 inch pieces. Next time, I'm just going to buy the precleaned ones.

OK, back to my coffee and my tomato pie!


At 9:41 AM, Blogger Brian said...

You've watched Iron Chef right? You can make stuff with squid ink...

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I thought about that! But then I became overwhelmed by the guts and tenticles that I no longer cared. Plus once I saw the mess an accidentally burst ink sac can make, the thought of bursting 5 lbs of squid -- on purpose.... No wonder squid ink is so expensive.

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Julie Miller said...

can one actually use the squid ink to write with or is that just a misnomer?

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Kyle said...

Awesome post.


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