Livin' la Vida Roko

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Grant

was not funded. Not even close. I'll get the comments back as to why in 4-8 weeks. I wasn't expecting it to get funded, but I'm still a bit disappointed.

And the machine that "reads" my cells is broken for a week. Meaning the experiment that's ready to go has to be kept in the freezer. And did I mention it's raining and will be for the next 4-5 days? I think it's time for me to go back to bed.


At 11:50 AM, Blogger Kyle said...

Sorry to hear it.

It is raining here and I really loving it. I get to work at home today.

My students call it island snow(?)

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Brian said...

I know it's cold comfort, but you are in very good and very extensive company these days.

I'm pretty tight with a few people who sit on various study sections, and for the past year they've all come back afterwards looking like they just spent the week murdering small children at gunpoint. It's rough.

But hopefully, not a permanent state of affairs.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

Sorry to hear about your grant. It's too common these days. If another antecdote makes you feel any better, my bosses presubmitted an NSF grant last January. Of the 1000 presubmissions, 100 were chosen to send in actual submissions. Of the 100 actual submissions, 8, including by bosses were scored at the top level. Only one grant was funded and it wasn't theirs.

Ah, science....screw them and enjoy your day anyway. You should go home and make a hot toddy to celebrate autumn!

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Julie Miller said...

bummer Lisa-though given the low rate of funding now from NIH, not too surprised-however, most postdocs i know got declined on their first go-round but revised it and got it on the 2nd time (we'll see as i am reapplying for dec). also, i was told that it's a good thing if they even score it cause they could throw out apps without looking at them. also, see if there are private foundations or fellowships for women that you could be eligible for, such as thru ohsu etc. alot of people now are trying to get private funding given the lack of gov't funding lately

At 8:04 AM, Blogger marsha said...

i'm sorry lisa. i have no antecdote - i'm just sorry.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger K said...

Suck. I am sorry. That is a bummer, I know you worked really hard on it.


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