Livin' la Vida Roko

Monday, April 20, 2009

Losing my Marbles

It was a beautiful weekend and I spent most of it gardening. I find it very relaxing and planted a bunch of seeds this weekend.... squash, peas, 2 kinds of basil, lettuce, borage, chives, eggplant, some seed potatoes and my favorite of the year... pumpkins. I figure my little one will be born in early October -- just around when the pumpkins will be ready for harvesting. So it will be fun to watch them grow in tandem.

I also spent a good deal of time weeding this weekend. Especially for Italian Arum, which have taken over our backyard when we re-leveled it. Like dandelions, the only way to get rid of them is to dig them up, root and all. I've been digging them up for years now. One plus though is that we live in an old house and I tend to find "artifacts" in the backyard when I'm digging. I've found lots of trash but also some great medicine bottles, plastic army men and my absolute favorite -- glass marbles. I love finding marbles and it makes my whole day when I find one. I've been saving them (though I can't remember the safe place where I put them all), but I digress. I bring this up because I found another one yesterday. I bright blue glass one just after I planted the pumpkins. Could this be a sign? I guess we'll know in two weeks.



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